Success Stories
Nigeria’s Green Liquefied Natural Gas Limited (GLNG) is using innovative U.S. technology to develop an LNG processing and distribution facility in southwestern Nigeria as the…
American-made equipment is jumpstarting the extraction of natural gas from India’s largest coalfield, in the Eastern state of Jharkhand, following a 2017 feasibility study that…
In 2020, USTDA funded a feasibility study to support the development of Sierra Leone’s first utility-scale independent power plant and first gas-fired power project. In…
To support Türkiye’s gas sector development plans, USTDA funded a 2017 RTM to the United States to familiarize its industry leaders with U.S. technologies, services,…
In October 2019, USTDA hosted an RTM for representatives of Türkiye’s largest oil refiner, Türkiye Petrol Rafinerileri A.Ş. (Tüpraş), as the company was formulating its…
The Government of Turkey provides universal healthcare coverage but faces challenges maintaining quality care as its population grows and ages. With public hospitals catering to…
Colombia has some of the most diverse topography in the world. The Andes, broad plains, Amazon rainforests and coastal areas create a variable landscape with…
Indonesia has more than 3.5 million square miles of sea – totaling roughly 70 percent of its territory. This geography presents unique challenges for strengthening…
NRECA International – an affiliate of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association –helped establish a small electrification program in the Philippines 50 years ago. Today,…
Nearly three-quarters of Haiti’s 10 million citizens lack access to reliable electricity. A primary cause is the nation’s limited and unreliable power grid, which forces…