Background: The Western Cape Government (WCG) is pleased to announce that its ICT procurement partner, the State Information Technology Agency (SITA), has released an invitation for the “Appointment of a Service Provider for the provisioning of Broadband Connectivity Services for the Western Cape Government (WCG) for a period of eighty-four (84) months”.
Companies interested in pursuing ICT procurements as well as other opportunities with the South African government must be registered on the South African National Treasury’s Central Supplier Database (CSD), which is a single source of all supplier information for all spheres of (South Africa’s) government.
In 2022, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) awarded a grant to the Western Cape Provincial Government (WCG) for a feasibility study to expand broadband infrastructure in the Western Cape province. The study helped advance the development of the WCG’s broadband infrastructure implementation to connect each town and village in the province to affordable high-speed broadband networks as well as potential ownership and operations models for future broadband deployments.
Link for more information: The tender documentation for this request for bid (RFB 2847-2023) can be found at the following link:
Proposal Deadline: The bid invitation closes on 15 March 2024 at 11 a.m. South African time/ 4 a.m. EDT
Point of Contact:
Sita office
Muditambi Gangazhe – +27 12 482 2735
Brian Matemane – +27 12 482 2543
Queen Sephelle +2712 482 2462