Nigeria: Feasibility Study: Rural Electrification Agency Minigrid Pilot
Grant Award
USTDA Industry Partner, Primus Power, Named to the 2018 Global Cleantech 100 List
Blog Post

Connecting leading U.S. solutions to infrastructure projects overseas represents the heart of USTDA’s mission, and when an industry partner is recognized for their innovation, the…

South Africa:Feasibility Study: Western Cape Integrated LNG Importation and Gas-to-Power Project
Grant Award
Kenya: Feasibility Study: Lamu Gas-to-Power
Grant Award
Mozambique: Feasibility Study: 78 MW Gas-Fired Power Plant in Chokwe District
Grant Award
Exploring the Gas Industry in Africa: A Conversation with Industry Experts
Blog Post

As part of the U.S. Gas Infrastructure Exports Initiative, USTDA staff spoke with Slav Gatchev, Managing Director of Delphos International, Ltd., a Washington, D.C.-based project…

Madagascar: Feasibility Study: Solar and Battery Storage Minigrid Project
Grant Award
Senegal: Technical Assistance: Solar Minigrid Advanced Metering and Monitoring
Grant Award
Kenya: Feasibility Study: Saigrene Energy 17 MW Small Hydro Power Projects
Grant Award
South Africa: Feasibility Study: Primus Power Energy Storage System
Grant Award