Digital Transformation with Africa
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In December 2022, at the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit and Business Forum, President Biden launched the Digital Transformation with Africa (DTA) initiative to expand digital access in Africa and increase commercial engagement between U.S. and African companies, support increased digital literacy, and strengthen digital enabling environments across Africa. DTA coordinates and channels the collective efforts of 17 U.S. government departments, agencies, and initiatives and is partnering with African governments and other stakeholders – such as the private and philanthropic sectors and civil society – to advance these aims across three pillars: (1) Digital Economy and Infrastructure, (2) Human Capital Development, and (3) Digital Enabling Environment.

USTDA co-leads Pillar 1 with the Department of Commerce, which focuses to:

  1. Expand access to open, interoperable, reliable, and secure Internet in Africa. 
  2. Expand access to and the adoption of enabling digital technologies, platforms, and services to scale the African technology and innovation ecosystem. 
  3. Facilitate investment, trade, and partnerships in Africa’s digital economy with the United States and like-minded allies.

For more information about DTA, please email