Procurement Technical Assistance for the Ministry of Economy, Government of Brazil

The Grantee invites submission of qualifications and proposal data (collectively referred to as the “Proposal”) from interested U.S. firms that are qualified on the basis of experience and capability to execute technical assistance to develop training materials and resources for officials at federal, state, and local government entities to support implementation of Laws 14,133 across the Government of Brazil (GoB). The Proposal submission deadline is 2 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, June 30, 2022. The U.S. firm selected will be paid in U.S. dollars from a $1,626,600 grant to Brazil’s Ministry of Economy (ME) from U.S. Trade and Development Agency.

About the Grantee

The ME is responsible for developing and implementing the GoB’s economic, fiscal and financial policy, including national economic policy and public procurement. ME serves as the central entity responsible for the implementation and formalization of Law 14, 133. ME is also USTDA’s partner entity under the Global Procurement Initiative partnership with Brazil.

Project Background

This technical assistance (TA) grant to Brazil’s ME is part of USTDA’s ongoing Global Procurement Initiative: Understanding Best Value (GPI) partnership with the GoB. The TA will assist the ME and the GoB in implementing policies, regulations, and guidelines in compliance with Brazil’s recently approved public procurement legislation, Law nº 14, 133/2021 (“Law, 14, 133”). Law 14, 133 overhauls and modernizes Brazil’s public procurement regime by emphasizing the use of best value determinations, utilizing new transparency mechanisms, and improving market access for international competition. The law also incorporates other best practices that have been taught in GPI programming, including an emphasis on acquisition planning, prompt payments, procurement ethics and paths to professionalization in contracting, and greater clarity on flexible acquisition structures.

About the Technical Assistance

This TA activity will develop implementation guides and provide trainings in order to assist the ME and the GoB in implementing Law 14,133 across the federal, state, and local levels. The objective of the TA is to help implement the policies, regulations, and guidelines that govern GoB procurement functions and apply its new procurement policies, processes, and programs effectively and efficiently.

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Procurement Technical Assistance for the Ministry of Economy, Government of Brazil

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