Kenya: Semiconductor Fabrication Feasibility Study

Semiconductor Technologies Limited (the “Grantee” or “STL”) invites submission of qualifications and proposal data (collectively referred to as the “Proposal”) from interested U.S. firms that are qualified on the basis of experience and capability to execute a feasibility study of their operations and development of a semiconductor fabrication facility for processing silicon, silicon carbide or both types of wafers (the “Project”) in Kenya (the “Host Country”). The Proposal submission deadline is August 30, 2024 at 10 AM Eastern Time. The U.S. firm selected will be paid in U.S. dollars from a $1,360,000 grant to STL from the U.S. Trade and Development Agency.

About the Grantee
Based in Kenya, STL was founded in 2018 as a semiconductor manufacturing and nanotechnology research and development company to respond to critical global semiconductor supply chain diversification needs. It specializes in semiconductor manufacturing, nanotechnology research and development, testing, chip quality assurance, and semiconductor skills development and training. STL is capable of processing application-specific chips (ASICS) for agro-technology, power systems, energy, IoT, automotive, and biotechnology. Among other clients, as noted, STL is designing and developing IoT chip products for livestock monitoring for the Kenyan Government. STL currently employs approximately 100 staff, 70 percent of whom are women.

Project Background
The Project involves the development of a semiconductor fabrication facility (“Fab 5”), which would be capable of producing semiconductors on up to 30,000 wafers per month at the Dedan Kimathi University campus in Nyeri County. Fab 5 will be focused on producing legacy chips, which are semiconductors greater than 28 nanometers (“nm”) in size. When fully implemented, the Project is anticipated to produce 600 nm semiconductors on 30,000 200-millimeter wafers per month.

About the Study
The objective of the Study is to provide STL with the critical analyses needed to support the development of the Fab 5 facility. The Study will include a market analysis, supply chain review, regulatory and policy review, and a power assessment. It will also include a preliminary plant design based on a topographic study, a preliminary geotechnical study, an ambient air quality study, a preliminary environmental and social impact assessment, a development impact assessment, and a U.S. sources of supply analysis. To support the Grantee in seeking financing for the Project, the Study will include an economic analysis, a life cycle cost analysis, and a financial plan. Finally, the Study will provide a staffing plan and skills development report to support the Grantee’s workforce development goals. The findings from the Study would culminate in a detailed implementation plan to support the implementation of the Project.

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