Jordan: WeCare Mobile Healthcare Delivery Feasibility Study

The Grantee invites submission of qualifications and proposal data (collectively referred to as the “Proposal”) from interested U.S. firms that are qualified on the basis of experience and capability to execute a Feasibility Study (“Study”) related to the proposed development of a mobile health services delivery network (the “Project”) located in Jordan (the “Host Country”). The Proposal submission deadline is Friday, December 9, 2022 at 10 a.m. EST/5 p.m. AST. The U.S. firm selected will be paid in U.S. dollars from a $652,920 grant to NITAJ For Commercial Investments LLC (“NITAJ” or “Grantee”) from the U.S. Trade and Development Agency.

About the Grantee
NITAJ For Commercial Investments, LLC is a Jordanian strategic consultancy and business development entity based in Amman, Jordan that was founded by Mohammed Ali Qaryouti and Alaa Hussein in 2008 as a vehicle to provide consultancy services and pursue social impact projects in Jordan. NITAJ developed WeCare, a health services platform that links patients with homecare medical services providers in 2017. The platform services and WeCare personnel are provided and managed by WeCare Jordan, while WeCare Tech Limited owns the IP associated with the platform. WeCare Tech, WeCare Jordan, and NITAJ are all majority owned and controlled by Messrs. Qaryouti and Hussein.

Project Background
NITAJ is the owner and developer of the mobile healthcare vehicle network project. NITAJ shareholders are the majority owners of WeCare Tech. WeCare seeks to expand its services by creating a mobile network of vehicles that would be managed using a modified version of the WeCare platform. The mobile network would consist of an initial deployment of ten mobile dialysis vehicles and ten mobile clinic vehicles that would serve homebound and underserved patient populations with limited or no current access to medical care in Jordan’s three most heavily populated governates. This expansion would enable NITAJ via WeCare to expand the types of services the company can offer beyond what is possible with its current in-home visit program and to provide these services to a wider range of patients.

About the Study

The objective of the Study would be to provide the Grantee with assessments of the legal and regulatory environment, a market analysis, and an assessment of medical service delivery operations to determine the relative need for medical services across its target area. The Study would also include a vehicle engineering study to define the costs and requirements of the medical vehicles, a financial analysis and financing plan, and assessment of developmental and environmental impacts. The Study would also provide the Grantee with an implementation plan for the Project, including specific and detailed procedures to guide the Grantee in finalizing the necessary medical vehicle design

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Jordan: WeCare Mobile Healthcare Delivery Feasibility Study

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